Palaces, Villas and Castles

San Remo and Alfred Nobel

Villa Nobel owes its name to the Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel, the same who invented dynamite and who created the most important prize in the world in the field of science, literature and peace. The scientist, like many foreigners at the end of the nineteenth century, chose Sanremo and the Riviera dei Fiori as a retreat for health reasons and to install a laboratory for his studies. The villa, which dates back to 1870, is built in Moresco style. Inside it houses the exhibition "Discover the 1800s" which illustrates the technological development of that century and the role that Nobel and his inventions played in various fields. The other rooms of the Villa are dedicated to Nobel’s life and personality. Also the garden of the Villa has a certain value: according to the style of the gardens of the Riviera of the 800 the park was created housing both typical plants and exotic and rare species.

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