
San Leo an enchanted village

San Leo, a wonderful capital of art, mentioned by Dante Alighieri in the Divine Comedy, is the fulcrum of the historical region of Montefeltro and is the town that gave it its name. Known for its historical and geopolitical events, location for films and documentaries, tourist destination of excellence, it is the precious pearl guarded by the province of Rimini. All the mighty defensive apparatus, which is accessed by a single road cut into the rock, seems to be an extension of the rock that supports it, up to the highest point of the spur where stands the Fortress of Francesco di Giorgio Martini (fifteenth century). The city was once called Monte Feltro, from Mons Feretrus, a name linked to the important Roman settlement built around the temple consecrated to Jupiter Feretrio. It was a constant object of contention, until it was finally conquered in 1441 by the young Federico da Montefeltro, who harshly opposed the Malatesta in their domination of the Marecchia Valley. It hosted personalities such as Dante and St. Francis of Assisi, who received the Monte della Verna as a gift. Devolved to the Papal State in 1631, it became a harsh prison where, among others, the Count of Cagliostro (1795) and Felice Orsini (1844) ended their days. Counted among the "Most Beautiful Villages of Italy", the admirable historical center releases its charm at any time of year. In addition to the suggestive fortress, the ancient Romanesque buildings are immediately visible: the Parish Church, the Cathedral and the Tower. They are flanked by numerous Renaissance palaces, such as the Palazzo Mediceo, with the elegant Museum of Sacred Art, the residence of the Counts Severini-Nardini, the Palazzo Della Rovere, home of the Town Hall. From San Leo you can enjoy a magnificent view of the surrounding mountains, along the Marecchia valley, down to the sea.

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