Near cahors, Saint-Cirq Lapopie has been elected « premier village préféré des Français » (a french label for the most beautiful villages in France) and offers to the visitor an exceptionnal point of view and a rich History.Saint-Cirq Lapopie offers itself to you with its majestic church upon its rock looking alike a breast (la popa in Occitan), which gives its name to the village.Once you entered the village, you directly dive in the medieval time, walking in little streets which were shaped by History, you will see houses from XIIth to XVIth century. Than to the 13 historical monuments of this listed village, you start a travel through time. You can ask for a free map in the Tourist Office.
The village includes many beautiful old houses whose facades of stone or wood were built between XIIth and XVIth centuries. They are characterised by their steep-sloped, flat tile roofs.
In the streets, open arcades of shops preserve the memory of craft activities that created the wealth of St. Cirq. Skinners in the rue de la Pelissaria, coppersmiths in rue Peyrolerie and especially wood turners or roubinetaïres, with workshops producing button moulds, bowls, cups and cooper’s taps.