Religious Places

S.Maria a pie’ di Chienti

Along the valley of the river Chienti, from the Adriatic sea to the Apennines, there are numerous centres of worship with monumental importance: S.Maria a pie’ di Chienti stands out among them. The peculiarity of this church, however, is found inside where there are three naves and two floors, the upper one with an elegant loggia, was reserved for the monks. The first historical data date back to the year 936 A.D., when the powerful abbot of Farfa, Campone, donated to Ildebrando, who had helped him in his conspiracy against the abbot Raffredo, a substantial fund and the church of Santa Maria a pié di Chienti. The present church, although it has undergone substantial changes over the centuries, dates back to the twelfth century, when the abbot of Farfa Agenolfo wanted to enlarge the original structure. Santa Maria a piè di Chienti and the nearby church of San Claudio (found in Corridonia) have for several years been the object of study and curiosity on the part of experts and enthusiasts who believe that the two buildings have much to do with Charlemagne and that one of the two is in fact the real Aachen…

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