Art, Theaters and Museums

Rome | Goethe’s House Museum

The Goethe House Museum is located where Johann Wolfgang von Goethe settled from 1786 to 1788 during his stay in Italy with his friend Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein. Inside, winding through the rooms of the house, there is a permanent exhibition that, through writings, drawings and documents, aims to tell the story of the poet’s journey in Italy and his stay in Rome. In the first room there is a series of documents that give an overview of Goethe’s life and his political appointments before his departure. In the second room the actual journey is described with the emotions and impressions from the sketches and drawings, created in itinere, and from the letters extracted from his diary addressed to his beloved woman, Charlotte von Stein. The third room shows specifically, through Tischbein’s drawings, the neighborhood of Rome where Goethe lived and provides some information on the poet’s daily life. In the fourth room there are writings and drawings that testify to Goethe’s interest in colours and their use, an interest that gave rise to studies and a real theory of colours as specified and documented in the fifth room. The sixth room presents the poet’s relationship with architecture and classical art through a series of views. Finally, the seventh room is the atelier of Goethe and his artist friends where are also collected the literary works written by the poet in Italy.

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