Ritual Bread Museum
The route is organized in four exhibition moments.
In the Working Tools Room there are the tools for working in the fields and for the processing of wheat and flour with which bread was once made at home, but in many countries still today.
In the Sala dei pani quotidiani are displayed all those products of daily consumption in Sardinia, which, although they do not have the ritual and symbolic importance of festive bread, they assume primary importance because of their central position in the local diet.
In the Room of the Loaves of Life Cycle the protagonists are those loaves that traditionally accompanied the most important moments of man’s life, such as birth, marriage and death.
The Bread Room of the year cycle, finally, gives prominence to the products that were traditionally brought to the table at particular times of the agricultural year, such as New Year’s Eve (the period of sowing) or threshing or on the occasion of the patron saints’ days, which were often linked to the agricultural calendar.