
Rasiglia, the Venice of Umbria

Near Foligno, rises a miniature Venice of Umbria: born on three sources, Rasiglia is a destination for tourists and travelers. About forty inhabitants, mills, sheets of water formed by streams and waterfalls that lap the walls of the houses, make the country a place much more like a book of fairy tales, rather than a town. Built on the source of the river Capovena, the village was born in the first years of the fourteenth centuryad work of Trinci, Lords of Foligno, who first saw in those powerful jets of water that came from the ground the ideal place to give birth to what today we would call district insudtriale.Until the end of the nineteenth centuryRasiglia is a country rich in commercial and craft activities: it has two wool mills, eight mills, four banks and even a post office. It all came to an end towards the middle of the 19th century with the advent of electricity.

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