A cheese well known to those who frequent the Val di Fassa and Val di Fiemme, but also to those who like cheeses with high aromatic properties. Made with excellent milk, it is treated during the ripening period with rind washes that allow the paste to take on intense aromas, which some call "stink." It is a Slow Food Presidium.
footprint and size
Cylindrical shape with flat or slightly convex faces 34-42 cm in diameter, the heel is straight or slightly convex, 9-12 cm high. The weight is 9-13 kg.
The first was Nostrano della Val di Fassa, which was made in the Latterie Turnarie in the same valley and in Val di Fiemme. When it became coveted by consumers, Val di Fiemme followed suit. In Moena it was sold under the name Spretz Tzaori, which means "tasty cheese" in Ladin.
Type of cheese by type of processing
Semi-hard paste
Processing technology
Raw milk from two milkings, of which the evening one is left to ripen in basins and sometimes slightly skimmed, is heated to a temperature of 34° and, if necessary, inoculated with lactose starter. The curd, which is presamic, undergoes a break to the size of a kernel of corn or rice. Then the paste is cooked at 44-48° and allowed to settle at the bottom of the boiler. It is then pressed with the "wheel," turned over, cut into pieces, pulled out and placed in the cloth fascere, where it undergoes pressing. Salting is in brine or dry.
At least 90 days. After 150 days it can be called matured. During this stage, which takes place on wooden boards, the wheels are brushed and cleaned with a solution of water and salt, or simply with warm water.
Characteristics of the cheese
Smooth, unctuous, moist rind, sometimes with sludge, or slightly wrinkled, straw-colored or ochre or light brown or reddish. The paste is semi-hard, elastic, ivory or light straw-colored. The eyes are sparse, medium fine in size, irregularly distributed.
Type of cheese for consumption
Fat cheese, sometimes semi-fat, medium to long ripened, semi-hard, washed rind.
Aromatic intensity and sensations
Medium to medium-high.
Table or tasting cheese, if from alpine pastures. Pairs well with full-bodied red wines. Often found in local cuisine.
It is a Slow Food Presidium cheese. Only the wheels marked with the M di Malga are made from alpine milk.