Palaces, Villas and Castles

Portraits of Princes Bishops, silverware, porcelain, glassware, carriages, all with

Portraits of Prince Bishops, silverware, porcelain, glassware, carriages, everything contributes to create the atmosphere of the wealthy life of the rural nobility. Built in the middle of the thirteenth century, the castle dominates from the top of a hill the Non Valley, particularly suggestive in spring, during the blossoming of apple trees. Erected on a hill, a few kilometres from Vigo di Ton, Castel Thun is one of the most famous castles in Trentino. Inside it preserves intact the original furnishings of the sixteenth century, along with valuable art collections, an important library and a rich art gallery. For centuries it was the magnificent residence of the Thun family, one of the oldest and most powerful families of the Trentino nobility. In 1992 it finally became the property of the Province of Trento, which in 2010, after extensive restoration, opened it to the public and today it is part of the network of castles that includes the Buonconsiglio Castle in Trento. The structure, in the heart of Val di Non, is surrounded by a complex system of fortifications consisting of watchtowers, moated bastions, moat and patrol path. The Porta Spagnola (Spanish Gate) stands out, decorated with an evocative ashlar. On the ground floor there are the public rooms and on the first floor the rooms of the lords, among which we find, still richly furnished, the Bishop’s Room, entirely covered with Cimbrian wood.

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