Historical Sites

Pompeii | Villa Regina

Villa Regina, discovered in 1977. is a complex, located in the municipality of Boscoreale. It is a small farm built in the sillana age (I century B.C.), centered on a wine cell hosting 18 underground dolia for the preservation of the must obtained from the grapes produced in the vineyard that surrounded the villa and of which it was possible to reconstruct the plant. The farm was in fact equipped with a special environment for the pressing of the grapes, as well as rooms used for domestic activities, stables and storage. Of the urban pars the only stately environment was the triclinium adorned with paintings of III style, while other rooms were placed on the upper floor accessible by a staircase. At the time of the eruption the farm was to be used only during agricultural work, and has many rooms waiting to be restored after the earthquake of 62 AD. Among the objects found there are a small hermitage of the god Bacchus, coming from the lararium of the portico, numerous tableware and kitchenware, agricultural tools and some oil lamps, including one dating back to the 3rd-4th centuries AD, which shows the frequentation of the site after the eruption of 79 AD.

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