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Piedmont Krumiri

Krumiri are shortbread biscuits that have a special knurling on their surface. They are slightly bowed, have a vaguely cylindrical shape and the weight is about 10-12 grams. The ingredients are: flour, butter, sugar, fresh eggs and vanilla. The eggs soften the dough, from which the use of water is "banned". Krumiri do not contain dyes or preservatives. Krumiri were created in Casale Monferrato by Domenico Rossi in 1878. It seems that one evening Rossi invited some friends to his workshop to taste a new dessert. Given the goodness and novelty of the biscuit, it would have been given the name of a liquor well known at the time: the "Krumiro". The peculiar curved shape of these sweets seems to have been given by Rossi as a tribute to King Vittorio Emanuele II, who wore a "handlebar moustache". Domenico Rossi’s Krumiri quickly became popular and it was thanks to their quality and the entrepreneurial entrepreneurial talent of their creator that they met with numerous appreciations and successes. Between 1886 and 1891, Rossi received patents as Proveditor of the Houses of the Dukes of Aosta, Genoa and the Royal House of Italy.

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