<p>The <strong>village of Pereto</strong> rightfully bears the title of "Gateway to Abruzzo." The hill on which Frederick II of Swabia erected one of his beloved scenic castles truly seems to be the sentinel, the lighthouse of land, the guardian of the region in the center of Italy. In 1096, the art- and hunting-loving emperor wanted one of his legendary manors to stand here, defending and controlling his empire with massive towers and gateways.</p><p>This mighty keep, composed of sturdy blocks of squared stone, rises on the slopes of Mount Fontecellese, where Abruzzo approaches Lazio. It is dominantly positioned on the Piana del Cavaliere, near the passage of the ancient Via Valeria, which connected Tivoli to the Marsi country, in a sort of extension of the Via Tiburtina. Even today, the castle, which architecturally dominates the entire village, is the heart and symbol of Pereto, although its current size is reduced compared to the past. At its peak, it stood five stories high, housing prisons, storerooms, rooms for the guardhouse and stately rooms.</p><p>Currently, the castle is owned by Baron Aldo Maria Arena, and it still bears the coat of arms of the Orsini family, along with the Colonna family, two lineages of great importance in the history of the manor. Villagers proudly recount the legend of the jingling of keys that belonged to Marquise Matilde of the Maccafani family, who is said to have taken her own life after her husband drove her away from her young lover Nacleto, the son of a sharecropper.</p><p>In addition to its historical heritage, Pereto is enriched by vestiges of churches and Roman epigraphs. Faith in the beliefs of the past is reflected in the Church of St. Sylvester, dating back to 955, and the Church of St. Peter, built in the 4th century BC. The Shrine of Our Lady of the Needy, located at 1043 meters above sea level on Mount Serra Secca, between Pereto and Rocca di Botte, is an important landmark. The wooden statue of the Virgin, which arrived from Valencia by sea in the 7th century, is a curious element in its history. The faithful from all over the Piana del Cavaliere have erected the shrine, which has seen the prayers of kings and popes over the centuries.</p><p>The snow-covered landscape of Marsica, though frozen in winter, offers a beauty and whiteness that urges visitors to brave the January chill to explore the tracks leading to Frederick’s castle.</p><p>INFORMATION ABOUT PERETO</p><ul><li><strong>Location:</strong>Province of L’Aquila</li><li><strong>Population:</strong> 640 inhabitants</li><li><strong>Altitude:</strong>800 meters</li><li><strong>Architecture:</strong>Stone dwellings arranged in a bombastic pattern under the castle.</li><li><strong>Surrounding Landscape:</strong> Limestone sedimentary rocks covered by oak forests,</li></ul>