The construction of this church was started on October 3, 1995, and completed in the early 2000s. The church was desired by Monsignor Rocco Talucci, bishop pro tempore of the diocese, to meet the needs of the population living in the Lido area of the municipality of Policoro.The church features a reinforced concrete structure and an elevation of laminated wood. Its architectural shape in elevation recalls both that of two joined hands and that of a sail. Inside, it is divided into three naves bounded by pointed arches made of laminated wood, recalling the structural typology of the church of St. Francis of Assisi in Assisi.A faithful reproduction of the wooden crucifix of San Damiano, donated by the Decorart snc company, has been placed on the church’s apse, while the chancel is furnished with an altar, ambo, seat and baptismal font in white Carrara marble, made by the Mastropasqua company of Venosa to the design of architect Francesco Di Gregorio.On the façade, the church features a large stained-glass window reproducing St. Francis’ Canticle of the Creatures.