The baking of bread, which once took place once or twice a year, still represents, for the mountain people, a moment of aggregation in which tradition is perpetuated.
From year to year, at the historical ovens located in the villages of Valle d’Aosta, the number of appointments dedicated to the working and baking of the "Pan Ner" multiplies, prepared with traditional ingredients, in a festive atmosphere that involves the whole community: the women knead and the men take care of the wood-burning oven.
Rye and wheat flour and water are skilfully mixed together with the "sourdough starter" and, after a long process, are formed into loaves.
Before being baked, the bread is left to rise for up to 3 hours; in the meantime, the oven is heated and, having reached the right temperature, is ready to receive the loaves. At the end of baking, the result of so much work appears: a black bread, rich in precious fibers for health, tasty, fragrant and fragrant. Some people enrich it with walnuts, raisins or fennel seeds and aromas that give it a delicious and original flavor.