Gardens and Parks

Palazzo Fantini in Tredozio

Palazzo Fantini is the splendid result of a series of constructions superimposed throught the centuries. The original structures dates back to the 17th century but it was only in the middle eighteenth that the palace took on its present aspect.The Park and Italian style garden are treasures of great charme. The park is home to species commonly found in mosto important Italian landscape gardens: apart from the holm oaks, horse chestnuts, limes, white poplars and hollies there are may fine conifers such as Abies pinsapo, Pinus Nigra and particullary the majestic cedars (Cedrus Libani, C. deodora and C. atlantica). Against this imposing backdrop the brightly coloured seasonal flowers stand out in summer within borders in clipped box. The lawns, water-lyli pools, beds of old roses, mixed borders and festoons of bergenias heighten and enliven the design.

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