Art, Theaters and Museums

Oregon: The Mount Angel Abbey Museum

The Mount Angel Abbey Museum is a very eclectic collection put together by the community of Benedictine monks that live and work at the abbey of Mt. Angel, Oregon. But the museum isn’t the only reason to visit. Established in 1882 by the Abbey of Engelberg, Switzerland, the abbey is located on the top of a scenic 485-foot high butte. The Abbey Museum is located on the lower level of the monastery. Founded in 1888, this natural history museum was originally created as a study aid for the biology department in the (now closed) Abbey high school. The bulk of the museum is comprised of rocks and minerals, antique liturgical vestments and religious items, American Civil War memorabilia, and, the biggest draw, mounted animal dioramas. The collection of taxidermy features an American Bison, a calf that was born with 8 legs, a two-headed cow, and a giant hairball from a pig on the Abbey’s farm.

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