The longest underwater caves in the world are located in Mexico and the United States. In Mexico, on the Yucatan Peninsula, it is known about 17 caverns with a length of 5 km, including six caves with a length of over 10 km, and two – more than 100 km. Orda Cave can’t boast of such figures, however, it is unique in its own way.
Orda cave is the longest underwater cave in Russia, the second longest underwater cave in Eurasia and the world’s longest underwater cave in gypsum – a real paradise for speleo diving enthusiasts. People come here from all over Russia, and sometimes from abroad. Orda Cave is well known for its underwater beauty.
Orda Cave is located 100 kilometers south-east of the city Perm, near the south-western outskirts of the village Orda, on Kungur River, Perm Krai. That is, the name was given after the nearby village Orda. Orda Cave is situated in the bowels of the mountain Kazakovsky – plateau-like hill with a flat top, the envelope of the Kungur River. The height of the hill doesn’t exceed 50 meters. There are large karst funnels on the surface, and one of which, situated on the south steep slope, is the entrance to the cave.
The cave consists of “dry” and underwater parts. The length of dry part is 300 meters, the underwater – 4600 meters. In addition, part of the cave is the longest siphon on the territory of the former Commonwealth of Independent States – 935 meters. The amplitude – 45 meters, the area – more than 50 thousand square meters.
The research began in 1992, thanks to the striving of speleologists enthusiasts.