<p>Ever since the 1972 Olympic Games, the <strong>Olympiapark</strong> has been one of <strong>Munich’s landmarks</strong>, with its striking skyline and massive tower – the <strong>tallest</strong> reinforced-concrete construction in <strong>Europe</strong>. Today, the park is a major centre for sport and recreation – a veritable green lung just north of the city centre, built on the Olympiaberg (Olympic Hill), which was constructed from wartime rubble. Alongside the arenas are picnic areas, playgrounds, an artificial lake, a mini train and the 291m-high (955ft) Olympiaturm, which grants superb views and houses a small rock & roll museum.</p>
<p>There is also a memorial on nearby Connollystrasse which marks the building where Israeli athletes were held hostage during the 1972 Games with tragic consequences.</p>