Religious Places

Old Convent of the Dominican Fathers

Unfortunately, only a few rooms used as living quarters remain of the Convent. The Church of St. Mary of Loreto takes its name from a pre-existing chapel, but according to tradition it was built the same size as the ruined Church of St. Dominic near the Castle. The 16th-century portals and main door, the rose window and the bas-relief with the Del Balzo family crest, which reproduces a crest set on a spoked wheel, come from the ancient chapel. In the 18th cent. the church was enlarged with the construction of a side wing that now serves as the sacristy. Works present: – Ancona of St. Hyacinthus by an unknown southern painter dating from the 18th cent. Originally framing this canvas 13 wooden panels by an unknown 18th-century southern carver, traces of which have been lost; – oil on canvas 215x148cm depicting the Trinity, St. Vincent Ferreri and a devotee, painted by Antonio Sarnelli between 1734 and 1793; – Organ chancel dated 1693 in polychromed and gilded wood by an unknown 18th-century Lucanian carver. (dimensions 150x800x220). The front of the chancel consists of 12 ribbed panels containing relief images of Dominican saints and saints with the exception of Sts. Lucy, Peter and Paul.

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