
Nepi preserves important testimonies such as the remains of the Rocca Borgia, made with the

Nepi preserves important evidence such as the remains of the Rocca Borgia, built by Pope Alexander VI to Antonio da Sangallo on the previous castle. Here lived for a period the Pope’s daughter, one of the most famous women of the Renaissance, Lucrezia Borgia. Now the castle is in ruins, but it has undergone conservation work and now, what remains, is used to organize events. When you arrive in Nepi from the northwest, you immediately notice the mighty perimeter walls at the most vulnerable point of the village. They were built by the Farnese family during the short period in which they held Nepi, which was part of the Duchy of Castro. The Farnese then ceded it to form a new Duchy, the one of Parma and Piacenza, much more representative for the social and economic level reached. Walking in the village you can see beautiful palaces built in ‘500 with elegant facades and beautiful rusticated portals. An important building is the Palazzo Comunale (Town Hall) which was begun in the 16th century but finished much later. Like many other perched villages, Nepi is on a long and high spur of tufa that looks like the prow of a ship. Below, deep ravines covered with lush vegetation. A very suggestive environment where the Etruscans built settlements, necropolis and the famous "tagliata", the roads dug between high tuff walls. Among the things to see, the Cathedral, of medieval age but remodeled in Baroque style. Do not miss the catacombs of Santa Savinilla.

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