The stuffed peppers, or as they are called in Naples, the puparuoli ‘mbuttunati, are one of the most traditional and tasty dishes of Neapolitan cuisine.
"Mbuttunato" stands for stuffing, you can "imbuttunate" anything, from anchovies to tomatoes, but peppers remain one of the immortal dishes, when they are "imbuttunati".
Quoted in many movies, including the famous…."Welcome to Sud", stuffed peppers are a concentrate of unparalleled aromas and flavors.
In stuffed vegetables you usually put everything, depending on your imagination and taste, starting from the very pulp of the vegetables you have chosen to fill, and which you often throw away, to tomatoes, tuna, bread crumbs, spices and aromas. Peppers are the easiest vegetables to fill, they already have the shape of a small boat or cup and you just need to remove seeds and veins. In the case of tomatoes, aubergines, zucchini, they must be emptied carefully, leaving a wall about half a centimeter thick and, above all, avoiding holes in the bottom and sides, using tools such as diggers or levatorsoli.