The National Museum of the Neoclassical Age in Romagna is located in Palazzo Milzetti. The neoclassical building is the result of the renovation of an older building that took place between 1792 and 1808. The greatest artists of Italian neoclassicism worked here: the architects Giuseppe Pistocchi and Antonio Antolini, the painter Felice Giani and his numerous collaborators and students, the plastic artists Antonio Trentanove and Giovan Battista Ballanti Graziani. Inside, the remaining original furniture has been integrated with more recent acquisitions. Palazzo Milzetti, with most of the surrounding garden, was purchased by the State in 1974. From 1984 to 2015 it was managed by the Soprintendenza per i Beni Storici, Artistici ed Etnoantropologici of Bologna and since 2001 it has been a National Museum and since 2015 it has been managed by the Polo Museale dell’Emilia Romagna. It is a palazzo-museum, an extraordinary and unified testimony of neoclassicism, a cultural season that deeply touched the states of the Church, and in particular Romagna, where Faenza had a very important role and Palazzo Milzetti represented a centre of territorial relations.