Religious Places

Nanputuo Temple

Surrounded by a graceful sea and the Wulao Peaks, Nanputuo Temple is a national key Buddhist temple in Han areas and one of the eight scenic spots in Xiamen. South Putuo Temple is adjacent to Xiamen University. It is one of the most prosperous temples in Xiamen. With a thousand-year-old history, the temple was first built in the late Tang Dynasty and was called Sizhou Yard. During the Reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, Shi Lang recovered Taiwan and garrisoned in Xiamen. He built the Great Mercy Hall to worship Guanyin and changed the name of the temple to Nanputuo, matching the Guanyin Dojo on Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang province.

After entering the mountain gate, the vast Lotus Pond and the Release Pond come into view, and many citizens have a rest here. Main buildings on the central axis, the Temple of Heaven, Daxiong Palace, the Hall of Great Mercy, and the Depositary of Buddhist Texts, are lined up in a row and raised against the hill layer upon layer. The apricot glazed tiles on the double eaves flying ridges set off against the verdant ancient trees, which makes the scenery quite solemn and magnificent.

Every year on February 19, June 19, and September 19 on the lunar calendar, grand Buddhist events are held in Nanputuo Temple. Many devout men and women would hold incenses in their hands and bow down to worship, praying for health and wealth in the following year. Visitors may also have a chance to taste the famous vegetarian dishes inside the temple.

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