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Namib Deser |The Wind Cathedral are simply breathtaking

Most of us must associate a cathedral with a building made of stones and bricks made by human kind. Surprisingly, the nature has also provided us a very unique construction of sand that resembles the look of a cathedral. Wind Cathedral is located in the Sossusvlei region of the Namib Desert, it is a huge area of sand formation series. Wind Cathedral is believed to be 60-80 million years old and has been formed due to the Atlantic Ocean drifts, which pushed the sand. And even now they are constantly changing and moving due to the shifting of the wind.Before 2005, not so many people who realized the existence of the Wind Cathedral in Namibia. It was Paul Godard and his controversial pictures that had boosted the popularity of this place worldwide. He managed to capture the amazing beauty of the Namibian dessert and its sand dunes in a way that everyone who sees the picture will disbelieve their eyes. Some of the viewers were stunned by the photograph while some other people take it for granted and see it as nothing more than a result of a photo editing application. In spite of all the controversies, the popularity of the Wind Cathedral is significantly increased as more and more people wish to witness the natural wonder with their own eyes.

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