The San Francesco Museum Pole is the museum of Montefiore dell’Aso, located in the former convent of San Francesco and opened in 2006.
The Carlo Crivelli Hall
In the Hall on the first floor is exposed the triptych that Carlo Crivelli made in the early 1470s for the Church of the Minor Conventual of Montefiore dell’Aso. The work, what remains of an original polyptych dismembered and partly sold on the antique market around the middle of the nineteenth century.
Giancarlo Basili Scenographic Documentation Centre
The extensive collection, located in different rooms of the complex, includes sets, photographic documentation, graphic sketches, critical texts and video material related to the films: Nirvana by Gabrile Salvatores, Palombella Rossa by Nanni Moretti, La stanza del figlio by Nanni Moretti, Notte Italiana by Carlo Mazzacurati, L’Amore ritrovato by Carlo Mazzacurati, Il Caimano by Nanni Moretti, Domani accadrà by Daniele Luchetti, Piccoli maestri by Daniele Luchetti, Daniele Luchetti’s bag holder, I am not afraid of Gabriele Salvatores, When you are born you can’t hide anymore by Marco Tullio Giordana, PAZ by Renato De Maria, Così ridevano by Gianni Amelio, Le chiavi di casa by Gianni Amelio, Luce dei miei occhi by Giuseppe Piccioni, Arriva la Bufera by Daniele Luchetti.
Adolfo De Carolis Museum
The Adolfo De Carolis collection, exhibited in the room destined since the second half of the twentieth century to Sala De Carolis, collects about 500 works by the famous artist born in Montefiore dell’Aso, the collection includes drawings, sketches and woodcuts acquired by the Municipality.
Museum of Peasant Civilization
The present scenographic setting, located on the first floor in the south corridor of the cloister, displays in 4 sections: the farmyard, the house, the work, the field some of the about 400 objects and tools concerning domestic life and work in the fields, all coming from the families of the territory of Montefiore dell’Aso.
Domenico Cantatore Collection
The Domenico Cantatore collection was donated to the Municipality of Montefiore dell’Aso by the artist himself by resolution of the council no. 139 of 22 August 1989. The collection consists of 114 graphic works including aquatints, etchings, lithographs on cork and paper. The collection has been set up in the Hall on the first floor, among them there are the famous odalisques, portraits of southern men, roosters and landscapes.