The Museum of Theatre Costumes is located in the upper part of the town. It preserves the theatrical costumes made by Beatrice Minori during her activity as dressmaker of RAI TV and personal dressmaker of Eduardo de Filippo, as well as collaborator of important Italian directors. The costumes are arranged on special mannequins arranged in the different rooms of the museum and as guests wait and seem to greet the visitors who enter. At the same time you can therefore enter into the history and history of the theatre and be fascinated by it.
The exhibition is also striking for the care and skill with which the costumes are arranged, appropriately commented, and the quality of the fabrics. It seems that you can touch the history of Italian theatre and the actors who performed it. From Machiavelli to Pirandello, passing through Goldoni and Shakespeare, in the exhibition the forms imagined between the lines by these great men of letters grappling with their most famous works take shape.