Art, Theaters and Museums

Museum of the Risorgimento of Piacenza

The historical materials of the Risorgimento Museum in Piacenza can be traced back to two fundamental periods, 1848-49 and 1859-61. A total of almost 600 pieces have been inventoried, of which a part (just over half) is on display. On the whole, the collection offers a multiform repertoire of texts, posters, newspapers, period publications, but also uniforms, weapons, portraits, and documents of various kinds that can trace a detailed profile of the Risorgimento movements of Piacenza, of the ideals that animated them and at the same time capable of recreating the atmosphere of a whole period full of events. The documentation begins with the Napoleonic age and continues with the sovereignty of Maria Luigia of Austria over the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza, the upheavals of 1831 and ’48, with the merger to Piedmont, which earned Piacenza the definition of the first-born city, with the return of the Bourbons, until the Duke’s assassin and the final plebiscite for the annexation to the Sardinian Kingdom.

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