Art, Theaters and Museums

Museum of the Great Turin and the Legend of the Grenade

The Museo del Grande Torino e della Leggenda Granata moved to Grugliasco in 2008 in the premises of the splendid seventeenth-century villa Claretta-Assandri where it can take advantage of the approximately 650 square meters available to show visitors various relics of the history of Torino FC from 1906 to the present day. Among these, we can list the Balilla that belonged to Gigi Meroni, a part of the wooden grandstand of the Philadelphia Stadium, the Philadelphia&quot trumpeter; that gave the charge to the players of the Grande Torino, the masseur’s box with the ampoules still intact despite the tremendous impact as well as a wheel and a propeller of the plane. To give you an idea of the richness of the museum collection, there are original documents from 1906 to the present day, original photos of players and coaches from 1912 to the present day, original Turin and National team jerseys and suits from 1927 to the present day, original shoes and balls from the 1950s to the present day, as well as hundreds of personal effects owned by the players.

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