The Museum of the Famacia Picciòla is a real gem. Located in Via Galileo Ferraris 24, it is unfortunately very difficult to visit and usually only welcomes groups, not individual visitors.
The Museum of Pharmacy, set up along a route of six exhibition rooms furnished with 18th and 19th century furniture, tells the story of the pharmacy’s evolution over two hundred years of history.
The collection, which began in 1799, the year of foundation of the Picciòla Pharmacy in Trieste, then transferred to Vercelli thanks to Dr. Bagliani, displays more than 2000 objects including: balances, spirit aerosols, mortars, marble pestles of all sizes, stills, vases and other incredible curiosities such as the large crocodile hanging from the ceiling of the room furnished as a laboratory. There are also over 1,000 articles, historical documentation, 800 scientific volumes and 400 books of literature on display.
Since 1999, when it was still in Trieste, the museum has been part of the European Association of Medical Arts Museums in Paris (A.E.M.H.S.M.).