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Mount Huangshan (Yellow Mountain or Mt. Huangshan)

Mount Huangshan (Yellow Mountain or Mt. Huangshan) in east China’s Anhui province is one of China’s ten best-known scenic spots. It is characterized by the four wonders, namely, odd-shaped pines, grotesque rock formation, seas of clouds and crystal-clear hot springs. Yellow Mountain is celebrated for having all the features of mountain scenery. Known as the No. 1 Mountain under heaven, it features numerous imposing peaks (77 exceed an altitude of 1,000m), forests of stone pillars and evergreen sturdy pines; other features include grotesquely-shaped rocks (many of which are individually named, such as ‘pig-headed monk eating water melon’), waterfalls, pools and hot springs. Because of its mists and clouds, natural scenery in the area changes beyond prediction. ellow Mountain can be divided into Beihai Scenic Area, Xihai Scenic Area, Songgu Scenic Area, Yungu Scenic Area, Yuping Scenic Area, Baiyun Scenic Area and Hot Spring Scenic Area.

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