Typical Products

Motzetta: the Valdostana dried meat

The motzetta, dried meat of beef, chamois, deer or wild boar, was born from the ancient need to preserve meat for a long time for the family’s winter needs. It looks tough and armoured but becomes tender and tasty in the mouth. Prepared with whole raw cuts, compact and low in fat, it is left to macerate with aromatic mountain herbs, accompanied by salt, spices and other natural flavourings; it remains like this for about twenty days, completely covered by the brine and pressed by a weight placed on the lid of the container. It is then left to mature by hanging the portions of meat in a cool, well-ventilated place for a period of time that varies from one to three months, depending on the size of the product. The motzetta is served as an appetizer, cut into thin slices and accompanied by the typical local rye bread.

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