Art, Theaters and Museums

Morando Attendolo Bolognini Palace

Two distinct exhibition itineraries characterize the rooms of the eighteenth-century Palazzo Morando Attendolo Bolognini. The first floor currently houses the Picture Gallery: a collection of paintings, sculptures, prints that originated in 1934 from the acquisition by the Municipality of the collection of Luigi Beretta and testifies the urban and social evolution of Milan between the second half of the seventeenth and the early nineteenth century; in the adjoining rooms, the representative rooms of the aristocratic house have been rearranged, an evocative itinerary that documents in an exemplary way the 18th century taste for domestic furnishings, through a nucleus of decorations, furniture and objects recently recomposed in its original physiognomy with a capillary activity of recovery of a heritage dispersed over time in various warehouses outside the palace.

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