Monti Iblei PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) Oil is an extra virgin olive oil that is produced in the Monti Iblei region, specifically in the province of Ragusa, Sicily. This oil enjoys a protected designation of origin, which means that it must be produced in accordance with certain standards and in the specific geographic territory in order to be labeled as "Monti Iblei PDO Oil."The Monti Iblei area is characterized by a combination of environmental and climatic factors that contribute to the production of a high-quality oil. The Mediterranean climate, with mild winters and hot, dry summers, favors the growth and ripening of olives. The mineral-rich soil and the presence of hills and mountains give the olives unique organoleptic characteristics.The olive varieties used for the production of Monti Iblei PDO oil are mainly Tonda Iblea and Moresca, which give the final product a distinctive taste and aromatic profile. The olives are harvested by hand during the fully ripe stage and are immediately transported to the oil mills for processing.The method of oil extraction is mainly mechanical, using cold presses, which ensure that the organoleptic characteristics of the olives are maintained. Monti Iblei PDO oil ranges in color from deep green to golden yellow, has a fruity aroma and a balanced, slightly bitter and spicy flavor.This oil is highly valued for its organoleptic qualities and is used both raw and in cooking to enrich salads, fish, meat and vegetable dishes. The PDO is a guarantee of authenticity and quality for consumers, ensuring that the oil is produced using traditional and environmentally friendly methods in the Monti Iblei region.