The Monte San Bartolo Regional Park has obtained a positive evaluation from Europarc Federation and is therefore recognized by the European Charter for sustainable tourism in protected areas.
The Park is situated between Gabicce Mare and Pesaro and has very suggestive natural aspects.
The overhanging cliffs constitute a particular marine landscape with the presence of fossil fish and rare chalk crystals.
At the foot of the cliffs runs a thin beach of gravel and pebbles, formed by the landslide of the overhanging walls and rich in fossils, once used for paving the roads of Pesaro. Through a panoramic road you can reach the ancient villages of Gabicce Monte, Casteldimezzo, Fiorenzuola di Focara, Santa Marina Alta and the small harbour of Baia Vallugola.
The vegetation of Monte San Bartolo is characterized by mixed forests of oak and hornbeam and rare species such as maritime flax, reed, reef carrot and fragrant broom. Famous for the presence and migration of numerous species of birds, including the peregrine falcon, migratory birds of prey including honey buzzards and swamp hawks as well as a very rare species: the pale harrier, which comes from Africa and then nests in Eastern Europe.
Remarkable from a naturalistic point of view is also the wintering of coastal seabirds, such as the great crested grebe, the cormorant, the great crested grebe and small grebe and, in colder winters, the eider duck, as well as many species of gulls, including some specimens of saffron, gavina, coral gull, common gull and the golden gull. In the area of the mouth of the river Foglia and in Baia Flaminia also overwinter the grey heron, the egret and sometimes the royal swans. The park is also home to roe deer, foxes, badgers, porcupines, weasels and dormice.
Five paths allow you to reach small natural oases and admire spectacular views.