The Mendel Museum, situated in the grounds of the Augustinian Abbey of St. Thomas, invites visitors to the exhibition: Gregor Johann Mendel – the Story of a Humble Genius. This modern exhibition focuses on the critical years that mark important stages in the life of this famous scientist: childhood and education, acceptance into the monastery in Old Brno and experiments with green peas, his election as abbot, and Mendel’s hobbies of meteorology and beekeeping.
Part of the exhibition is dedicated to the years following the death of G. J. Mendel, when Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance and genetics, which continue to affect our lives, were rediscovered. The tour culminates with a manuscript handwritten by Mendel, his seminal Versuche über Pflantzenhybriden (Experiments on Plant Hybridization).
The museum also consists of an accompanying exhibition, which playfully introduces us to the cell, DNA and the laws of Mendelian Inheritance. At the end, we have the opportunity to compare the conditions under which G. J. Mendel conducted his research with a contemporary laboratory.
The adjacent garden with its foundations of the Mendel greenhouse, the site where once stood an orangery and apiary, also offers an inspiring environment. Despite the inner-city location, visitors will enjoy this oasis of tranquillity, with a view over to the Basilica of the Assumption.