The Brancacci Chapel is a small chapel inside the fascinating Church of Santa Maria del Carmine, which was almost completely destroyed by a devastating fire in 1771. Miraculously, the Brancacci Chapel and the Corsini Chapel escaped destruction. The church belongs to the Order of the Carmelite Sisters and, like San Lorenzo, has an unfinished facade.
A cycle of frescoes commissioned in 1424 by Felice Brancacci, a wealthy Florentine merchant and politician, illustrate the life of St. Peter, protector of the family. The frescoes were painted by Masolino da Panicale and his pupil Masaccio. In 1428 Masaccio finally replaced Masolino, but he died shortly afterwards at the age of 27, so that the missing parts were completed by Filippino Lippi around 1480.