Among the beauties of Marta, there is also an internal part, medieval, known above all for its famous tower, called "Torre dell’Orologio" of Etruscan origin.
The tower is the symbol of this town and from its 21 meters high you can enjoy a splendid view of the lake.
This tower was built in the 12th century and served as a bastion for the defence of the territory. In the following centuries it suffered numerous damages from the various lords who contended Marta, so it was restored several times first under the order of Pope John XII and then by the Farnese around 1400.
It is also worth visiting the Renaissance Palace which was the property of the Farnese family, located near the Town Hall and finally the sanctuary dedicated to the "Madonna del Monte", a very important place for the martans, built on top of a panoramic hill and not far from the ancient centre. This sacred place represents the fulcrum of the traditional feast of the "Barabbata" which takes place on May 14th every year.