Historical Sites

Manchester, from the industrial revolution to today

The city is located in the North West of England, just an hour’s drive from Liverpool, and is the UK’s second largest conurbation by population. That Manchester is a special place is confirmed by its records. It was the protagonist of the Industrial Revolution, becoming the capital of the textile industry, especially cotton, but also the place where the first male and female trade unions were formed. It then experienced a period of crisis, but had the strength to recover, finding new impetus in sectors such as technology and design. In Manchester the first computer was invented, the first theses on thermodynamics were advanced and the first railway in the world was inaugurated. Not only that. It was (and still is) the scene of a lively music scene, just think of groups like Oasis, The Smith and Joy Division, as well as being one of the meccas of football, with two very strong teams: Manchester United and Manchester City. The worker bee is definitely the symbol of the city and is a symbol born during the Industrial Revolution. Manchester surprises and amazes tourists, not only for its history and the system of canals in the historic Castlefield district and for the tradition of weaving wool and linen. But not only that, the beauty of the English city is also found in the views, in the cobblestone paths, in the parks and tree-lined avenues and in the incredible murals that color and animate the English city.

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