hese little biscuits are prepared mainly in the Province of Chieti.
The ingredients for ten portions are: 250g almonds, 600g superfine flour or organic spelt flour, 450g sugar, 150g plain chocolate, 250g butter or margarine, 30g aniseed, a small glass of punch, half a small glass of grappa, a few drops of vanilla extract.
The eggs are beaten with the sugar, adding whole toasted almonds, coarsely chopped chocolate, followed by all the other ingredients.
After beating well, the dough should be firm and not too soft. 10-12cm wide and 30-40cm long strips are formed and laid on a baking tray that has been greased with butter and sprinkled generously with flour, before baking for about 20 minutes.
When cooked, they are cut into thin strips before they are completely cooled. They are usually served at the end of a meal, but they are also ideal with a distillate or a traditional liqueur.