St Thomas Church is most famous as the place where Johann Sebastian Bach worked as a Kapellmeister (music director) from 1723 until his death in 1750, and as the location of his remains.Since 1950, the bones of Johann Sebastian Bach are buried in the Thomaskirche. Another notable feature of the Thomaskirche is that it contains two organs. The older one is a Romantic organ by Wilhelm Sauer, built from 1885–89. Since this organ is considered "unsuitable" for Bach\’s music, a second organ was built by Gerald Woehl\’s organ building company from 1999–2000. This "Bach organ" was designed to look similar to the old organ on which Bach had played in the Paulinerkirche.There are four bells in the St. Thomas bell tower. The largest is the Gloriosa, which was cast by Theodericus Reinhard in 1477.