The Mountain and Mountaineering Museum of Lecco is located on the second and third floor of the Visconti Tower and has been promoted by the Lecco Section of the Italian Alpine Club, one of the most important in the country for number of members and intensity of initiatives. The museum is still in the process of being arranged and enlarged due to the continuous spontaneous donations by members and citizens of period material, photographs, old equipment and other finds of the mountaineering activity, which sees the city of Lecco particularly active in this field. We remember above all the exploits of prominent figures such as Riccardo Cassin and Casimiro Ferrari, but also groups of mountaineers such as the Ragni, protagonists of numerous enterprises on the highest peaks in the world. The museum therefore intends to document both the characteristics of the mountains in the Lecco area and the events of local mountaineering, from its origins to the present day.