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Lecco a small town on the lake

The origins of the city of Lecco are very ancient, as can be seen from the finds displayed today in the city’s civic museums. The roots of the town of Lecco date back, in fact, to the Iron Age and in particular to that village of the Golasecca Culture near the Rocca di Chiuso. The first noteworthy population that populated the territory is that of the Golasecca Celts. There are, instead, few archaeological evidences of populations during the Roman Age. The first period of notable splendour arrived with the Middle Ages, when the area was characterised by its military importance and, because of its crucial position with respect to the transalpine cities, often became a place of war and battle. In 1117 the city participated alongside Milan in a 10-year war, which saw the destruction of Como as well as the recognition of certain rights to the city of Lecco, which at the end of 1200 proclaimed itself a free commune.

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