Uncontaminated Nature

Le Halligen – The strange UNESCO World Heritage islands.

The Halligen have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2009 and are part of the Nationalpark Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer. At high tide the houses built on the Halligen are completely surrounded by water and seem to float in the middle of the sea, but with the arrival of the summer season the small farms emerge in all their beauty. The houses are built on artificial heaps of land called warft, which keep the structure safe during periods of low tide. The main islands are Langeneß, Oland (connected to the mainland) and Hooge, known as the "Queen of Halligen". According to legend, during a storm this island gave refuge to a Danish king in the beautiful Königshaus, decorated with blue and white tiles and baroque frescoes on the ceiling. The Halligen are particularly popular with nature lovers, and are often visited on day trips from nearby Husum.

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