Gardens and Parks

Las Pozas,a garden created by English poet Edward James

Meaning ‘the pools’, Las Pozas, created by English poet and surrealist art patron Edward James, is a garden containing natural waterfalls and pools, as well as Surrealist concrete sculptures.It includes more than 80 acres (32 ha) of natural waterfalls and pools interlaced with towering surrealist sculptures in concrete.Some of the sculptures even include hidden rooms and staircases which lead nowhere. Created in a subtropical rainforest in the Mexican mountains — 2000 feet above sea level —, Las Pozas can be difficult to find. After James’ death in 1984, the once-cultivated plants, thriving wildlife, and architecturally pristine sculptures were overrun by nature. Today, with renewed attention, the plants have been sufficiently tamed so that dedicated surrealist fans can continue their annual pilgrimage to Las Pozas, which is hidden beneath jungle foliage.

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