Art, Theaters and Museums

Larino Civic Museum

The Civic Museum of Larino is located in the Ducal Palace; inside there is the permanent Archaeological Exhibition Ars et Ingenium, which contains various objects found in the area of Larino. Most of the finds date back to the period between the 10th century B.C. and the 4th century A.D.; among them you can admire vases, amphorae, ointments, spears, helmets, oil lamps and some small statues connected to the cult of Mars, the tutelary god of the ancient Larium. Worthy of note are the group of Hercules and Priapus, the statue representing a boy wearing a toga and the cast of a bronze plate of the Senatus Consultus of Larino, dating back to the first century AD. There are three splendid Roman mosaic floors: the Mosaic of the Birds, the Mosaic of the Lion and finally, the Mosaic of the She-wolf.

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