Lake Sasyk-Sivash known as the pink salt lakes is perhaps the most beautiful abandoned place in the world.The Lake, is in Crimea.This picturesque reservoir is the largest inland lake on the Crimean peninsula. It is located between the cities of Eupatoria and Saki, on the territory of Opuk Cape, and refers to the Eupatoria group of salt lakes, adjacent to the east of Eupatoria. Just a small mound of sand separates Sasyk-Sivash from the Black Sea.This shallow saltwater lagoon covers an area of 500 hectares, the length is 14 km, the maximum width – 9 kilometers, the average depth is less than a meter, the maximum depth of the reservoir – 1.2 meters. The lake, except for salt production, is famous for the fact, that it is rich in healing mud. As for salt, its medicinal qualities were also awarded a gold medal at the Paris Exposition in 1912. This is the most salty lake in Crimea – about 370 grams of salt per liter of water. Stocks of brine in the lake reach 2 billion cubic meters.The word “Sasyk” is translated from the Turkic as “rotten or foul-smelling” and the word “Sivash” – “mud”. However, the value of this place outweighs the unpleasant name. Since the XV century, the salt lakes of Crimea provided all of Ukraine and the European part of the Moscow State by the precious salt. By the middle of the XIX century, the production of the Crimean salt increased significantly. “White gold” was sent to Turkey, Syria, Greece and Bulgaria by water, throughout Ukraine, Belarus and Russia – by overland roads. Production of salt varies each year, but the average extraction is 10,000 tons.Speaking about the second property of Sivash Lake, the following can be said. People come here for treatment by the local mud. This dark gray and black mud is used to treat a variety of diseases associated with the metabolic processes in the organism, cardiovascular diseases, as well as to eliminate the problems with the musculoskeletal system.