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Lake Bolsena

Lake Bolsena is the largest volcanic lake in Europe and the fifth largest in Italy.According to what historians have reconstructed, the lake was formed more than 300 thousand years ago as a result of some volcanic phenomena that occurred in the Vulsinio volcanic apparatus. Powerful explosions completely emptied the subsoil of magma, gas and other solid materials, causing the ground to collapse as a result. Thus was born a large circular area, which today is occupied by Lake Bolsena. Subsequent underwater eruptions led to the formation of the Bisentina island and the Martana island. The coastline alternates between olive groves, vineyards and cultivated fields: choose one of the many itineraries available to explore the lake up close. Its waters reflect some characteristic villages, such as Bolsena and Capodimonte, dominated by the mighty Rocca Farnese. Only with difficulty did the Romans manage to get their hands on these lands. There is no street, district or town that does not preserve vestiges of the Etruscans, the "people of the sea". And the uniqueness of these lands made it the "kingdom" of the Farnese, one of the most powerful European families of the sixteenth century. Lake Bolsena is entirely suitable for bathing and in summer you can enjoy water sports such as kayaking, water skiing, windsurfing, sailing and rowing.

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