Typical Dishes

Lagane and Chickpeas

Lagane and chickpeas are a very old dish of Lucanian cuisine and, like many other recipes in the region, are linked to the peasant tradition and the simplicity of local products.According to tradition, lagane e ceci was a typical dish of shepherds who moved with their flocks along the transhumance routes. Due to the presence of simple and easily transported ingredients such as pasta and chickpeas, this dish represented a source of energy for the shepherds during their long journeys.In addition to its ancient history, lagane e ceci also represents an important folkloric tradition in Basilicata. In many towns in the region, in fact, festivals dedicated to Lucanian cuisine are organized, during which it is possible to taste this dish along with other local specialties.In addition, lagane e ceci are often associated with certain religious holidays, such as the feast of St. Joseph, which is celebrated on March 19. On this occasion, a dish of lagane and chickpeas is prepared to be offered to the poor and needy, following the tradition of St. Joseph, the putative father of Jesus, who was dedicated to assisting the most needy.In short, lagane e ceci represents a very important recipe for Lucanian cuisine and culture, which is still passed down from generation to generation.

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