The crescionda is a typical dessert of the Spoleto area and not very common (and sometimes unknown!) in the rest of Umbria.
Initially it was prepared during the Carnival period, but now it is prepared and sold throughout the year.the evidence about the existence and preparation of this appetizing dessert is lost in the Middle Ages when the contrast of sweet and sour was preferred in the dishes.
In fact, the original recipe called for ingredients such as: pecorino cheese, eggs, chicken broth, breadcrumbs, lemon peel, sugar, dark chocolate or bitter cocoa.
Today the crescionda is made with "less risky" ingredients and is prepared with macaroons, dark chocolate, lemon rind, eggs, sugar and flour.
It looks low, with a soft consistency and made up of three layers (this is why it is called the "magic cake": a base layer made up of macaroons and flour, a central one which is light and soft like a pudding, and a dark brown surface layer made up of chocolate.