Typical Products

La Ciuiga del Banale

The Ciuiga del Banale is a tasty Trentino salami typical of the autumn season. It is made by mixing pork meat with turnips boiled in a large soapstone or aluminium pot (called paiolo) and then carefully squeezed to remove as much water as possible. Next, the turnips are cut into small pieces and mixed with the minced pork: about 40 kilograms of turnips are used for 60 kilograms of mince. At this point, salt, pepper and chopped garlic are added. The final operation involves stuffing the mixture into the so-called ‘budello gentile’, which is made from the last part of the pig’s rectum. After having completed this procedure, the smoking process is carried out, which lasts about 8 days. The ciuiga del Banale is highly appreciated for its aromatic notes and for the pleasant taste conferred by the smoking process. It can also be eaten after only 3 days of seasoning. This typical Trentino salami has been included among the traditional Italian agri-food products (PAT) and has obtained recognition as a Slow Food Presidium.

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